About Us

As the oldest continuously run educational institution in the district, the college remains committed to providing an academically rigorous education to students who will walk out of the institution ready for lives of leadership and service to their community. .

We strive to be committed to the students: we are privileged to serve in our alumni association, our dedicated, talented faculty and staff. We also take pride in having the most active and helpful group of visionary parents, well-wishers, alumni and friends.

Shri. H Jekugha Sema
Vice Principal
Vision Statement

To fulfil the aims of higher education through Teaching, Research and Extension activities with students and society: to develop skills and potential of the students and to produce quality manpower.

Aims and objectives

·         To garner knowledge through various activities and inculcate value based education for the wholesome development of each and every student.

·         To produce skilled and disciplined student in various fields

·         To train and mould the students to be responsible leaders and citizens of the society

·         To produce positive thinking and creative minds for the generation of new knowledge

·         To mould the students to develop innovative minds and strive for a progressive society


                                                                                  The Organizational Structure of the Institution




Governing Body

i)                    Hon’ble Minister, Higher & Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima

ii)                  Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland

iii)                Director, Department of Higher Education

College Advisory Board


1.Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto


2. Principal

Member Secretary

3. Elected Representative of the Town


4. Superintendent of Police


5. Vice Principal


6. President, Sumi Hoho


7. President, SumiTotimi Hoho


8. President, SumiKiphimiKuqhakulu (SKK)


9. Chairman, Sumi Literature Board


10. Dr. H. SukhatoRotokha


11. Dr. HuskhaYepthomi


12. Shri. KhekiyeRochill


13.President, ZGCTA


14.Representative from University


15.Repesentative from the Department of Higher Education




Head of the Institution



Assists Principal in day-to-day functions


College Advisory Board

Planning & Advisory Role


Ministerial Staff

Perform all ministerial office related duties



Chaired by Principal formulates policies that are executed by various Cells/Clubs /Committees



Supervise & coordinate departmental activities & represent the department in HoD meetings.



Conduct and supervise various activities of the College


Student Union Body

Performs students related activities

Code of conduct Rules & Regulations

1.      The students should remain within the campus during college hours on all working days.

2.      Students bunking classes and loitering around within the campus will be penalized.

3.      Use of mobile phone or any other electronic gadgets is strictly prohibited during class and in the library. Defaulting will attract penalty of confiscation of the gadgets.

4.      Smoking and use of intoxicants are strictly prohibited in the college campus.

5.      Ragging in any form to any student will lead to immediate expulsion.

6.      Harassment of any female student will lead to immediate expulsion.

7.      Malpractices during exams, internal/external will attract penalty of expulsion from further appearance for a period as stipulated in the University guidelines.

8.      Every student must handle college property with utmost care.

9.      Every student must help maintain the college campus clean.

10.  No collection of money/fund raising activities is allowed within the college without prior permission from the Principal.

11.  It is compulsory for all the students to wear uniform daily except on the first Saturday of every month.

12.  On the first Saturday of every month, all students must follow traditional dress code of the tribe/community they belong to.

13.  Every student must, at all times, maintain decorum within and outside the college campus.